Rabu, 27 September 2017




1. As the name implies, this traditional house is a 7 meter high stage house. Not without reason this traditional house built in the form of a stage. If in the interior of Borneo, the reason for the Dayak tribe is formed is intended to protect the family from the attack of wild animals and anticipate in case of flooding.

1. Sesuai dengan namanya, rumah adat ini merupakan rumah panggung dengan tinggi 7 meter. Bukan tanpa alasan rumah adat ini dibangun berbentuk panggung. Jika di pedalaman kalimantan, alasan rumah Suku Dayak dibentuk berpanggung dimaksudkan untuk melindungi keluarga dari serangan binatang buas dan antisipasi jika terjadi banjir.



2. At the front there are 42 stairs. The number of stairs was adjusted to the number of existing rooms (rooms). Because, in that long house of trust, if the occupants of one of the chambers died, when the funeral can not use the ladder of other residents because there are unlucky people.

2. Di bagian depan terdapat 42 tangga. Jumlah tangga itu disesuaikan dengan jumlah bilik (kamar) yang ada. Sebab, di rumah panjang itu berlaku kepercayaan, jika penghuni salah satu bilik meninggal, saat pemakaman tidak boleh menggunakan tangga penghuni bilik lain karena dianggap ada sial.



3. When we enter the area of this Radakng House, then our eyes will be fixed directly on the 6 large poles in front of the House of Radakng on which there is the birds Enggang Gading which became a symbol of gallantry and strength for the Dayak tribe of West Kalimantan. This bird symbolizes the Dayak tribe as a bird Pigeon symbolizes purity and immortality in Christian religion. Therefore, this hornbill is used as an example of life for the Dayak people to socialize to always love and love their spouse and nurture their children to become an independent and adult dayak.

3. Saat kita memasuki kawasan Rumah Radakng ini, maka mata kita akan langsung tertuju pada 6 tiang besar di depan Rumah Radakng yang di atasnya terdapat burung Enggang Gading yang menjadi simbol kegagahan dan kekuatan bagi Suku Dayak Kalimantan Barat. Burung ini menyimbolkan suku dayak layaknya burung Merpati menyimbolkan kesucian dan keabadian dalam keagamaan Kristiani. Karena itu pula, burung enggang ini dijadikan sebagai contoh kehidupan bagi orang dayak untuk bermasyarakat agar selalu mencintai dan mengasihi pasangan hidupnya dan mengasuh anak mereka hingga menjadi seorang dayak yang mandiri dan dewasa.



4. Seeing the position of Radakng House from the road body, then this traditional house has a unique position and position, which is a slope of the road body. Because the principle of development used is Huma Betang, where the Dayak tribe believes for the construction of houses on the upper reaches of the house leads to the rising of the sun, and the downstream leads to the setting of the sun. It symbolizes hard work in navigating life, starting from sunrise to sunset. Thus, it is natural that the Radakng House is built on the side of the road.

4. Melihat posisi Rumah Radakng dari badan jalan, maka rumah adat ini mempunyai letak dan posisi yang unik, yaitu miring dari badan jalan. Karena prinsip pembangunan yang digunakan yaitu Huma Betang, di mana Suku Dayak mempercayai untuk pembangunan rumah pada bagian hulu rumah mengarah kepada terbitnya matahari, dan bagian hilir mengarah ke terbenamnya matahari. Hal ini melambangkan kerja keras dalam mengarungi kehidupan, dimulai dari matahari terbit hinga matahari terbenam. Sehingga, wajar jika Rumah Radakng dibangun miring dari badan jalan.

Kamis, 14 September 2017

Introduce My Self

Hi my friends. Let me introduce my self. My name is MAHA AL-ASY'ARLY you can call me arly, maha, or Al. I am the second of four children, and I have an older sister and two younger brothers, and now I live in a Kota Baru Gang Sukakarya 1. I come from Sungai Kunyit Dalam Kabupaten Mempawah. I am studying at Tanjungpura University, a little story why I chose the University of Tanjungpura not the other? Actually I want it to enter at Pontianak State Polytechnic but I was not received there instead I was more accepted at the Tanjungpura University so I chose it Kabupaten Mempawah. I was born in Pontianak on April 4, 1999 and my hobby is sport like futsal, badminton, takraw, table tennis and many more. I majored in mechanical engineering because I like things like that hopefully my lecture trip is running smoothly because I do not want to burden my parents because in two years my younger sister to the third follow my college, so I must be serious in college. My hope after graduation I can work in a company with a good position and a pretty good salary, because to help parents to pay college my younger siblings. Maybe just up here an article about me if you want to contact me via email arlygalibukhari@gmail.com, and if there are wrong words please forgive me, so many of my thanks for reading my article.