Kamis, 30 November 2017

Cara menghilangkan wajah berminyak (Video Submission 2)

Sudah berdandan cantik tapi make up Anda hanya bertahan beberapa jam saja? Kemungkinan Anda memiliki kulit wajah yang berminyak. Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa kulit wajah ada beberapa jenisnya yaitu kulit normal, kering, dan juga berminyak. Masing-masing memiliki kekurangan dan kelebihannya sendiri lho. Contohnya untuk Anda yang memiliki kulit kering, kelebihan Anda dalam menggunakan make-up mungkin akan lebih awet sepanjang hari dibandingkan dengan teman Anda yang kulitnya berminyak.

Kulit kering juga tidak mudah terlihat kucel apabila beraktivitas seharian. Namun kekurangannya untuk si kulit kering adalah wajah Anda cenderung lebih mudah muncul keriput dibanding si kulit berminyak. Walaupun antara kulit kering dan berminyak memiliki kelebihan masing-masing tapi siapa yang tidak mau memiliki kulit normal? Nah, kali ini saya mau berbagi tentang seputaran kulit berminyak; tentang apa saja pemicu yang membuat wajah Anda berminyak dan apa saja cara menghilangkan wajah berminyak tersebut. Penyebab Wajah Berminyak Sebelum bercerita panjang lebar mengenai cara menghilangkan minyak berlebih di wajah Anda, kenali dulu yuk apa saja pemicu munculnya minyak tersebut. Beberapa pemicunya antara lain adalah: Faktor Keturunan Pemicu pertama adalah faktor keturunan. Jika Anda melihat ayah atau ibu Anda memiliki wajah yang berminyak bisa jadi itu adalah alasan mengapa Anda memiliki kulit berminyak juga.

Namun tenang saja, bukan berarti Anda bisa menyerah begitu saja kok. Banyak cara untuk menguranginya. Hormon Ketidakseimbangan hormon merupakan pemicu kenapa kulit Anda berminyak. Hal ini kerap muncul pada saat pubertas atau ketika sedang hamil. Pola Makan Gemar mengonsumsi makanan berlemak tinggi seperti yang berminyak atau bersantan dapat menambah kadar minyak dalam tubuh Anda. Selain itu, kekurangan nutrisi atau vitamin juga bisa membuat kulit Anda berminyak. Maka dari itu, bijaklah memilih makanan seperti yang pernah diulas di artikel ini. Pola Tidur Tidur sampai larut malam atau bahkan begadang merupakan pola tidur yang tidak baik untuk kesehatan badan Anda. Begitu pula dengan kulit Anda, dengan pola tidur yang buruk akan dapat memicu kulit wajah Anda berminyak pula. Tidurlah sebelum tengah malam. Kosmetik Memilih kosmetik yang salah pastinya menjadi salah satu pemicu mengapa wajah Anda berminyak. Jika Anda merasa memiliki kulit berminyak, pilihlah produk khusus kulit berminyak karena produk tersebut pastinya sudah dirancang khusus untuk menutupi kekurangan Anda. Stress Hormon kortisol meningkat produksinya ketika Anda sedang stress, begitu pula dengan produksi minyak pada kulit Anda. Stress juga ternyata bisa memicu bertambahnya minyak pada wajah Anda lho, maka dari itu sebisa mungkin hindari stress berlebihan ya. Cara Menghilangkan Wajah Berminyak Setelah mengetahui apa saja pemicu yang membuat kulit Anda berminyak, mari kita beralih ke bagaimana cara untuk menghilangkan minyak di muka Anda. Banyak cara yang dapat Anda tempuh untuk mendapatkan wajah yang bebas minyak, seperti berikut ini

Selasa, 21 November 2017



  1. How many levels of government does Indonesia have? Mention each one of them
  2. If asked to choose one province in Indonesia besides west Borneo in accordance with the field of         mechanical engineering, why?
  3. With your group members, create a short presentation to explain about the differences between the     U.S government and the Indonesia government.
Answer :

  1. Central government, local government level I, central government level II, district level government, Village level government 
  2. We chose West Java, because there are many companies and industrial plants
  3. United States of America : 1.Adheres to the trias of pure politics (separation of powers) 2. Has a bicameral legislative body 3. Legislative institutions (congress) can bring down the president 4. Known impeachment which is congress rights 5. President has a veto on congress's decision 6. Only know dual party 7. The President is elected by the electoral college. Indonesia: 1. Adheres to the principle of trias politica modification (power sharing) 2. Legislative body is Unicameral 3. DPR can only recommend to ask for accountability of president 4. No known impeachment 5. President has no veto 6. Party life is Multi Party 7 The President is elected by the people through elections.

Minggu, 19 November 2017



Assalamualaikum warahmatullahhi wabarakatu,

this time I will tell my journey during a holiday in Tanjung Bajau or commonly called Rindu is located in the city of Singkawang. Its location lies between Mount Bajau, Gunung town and Mount Pelapis. Natural longs are at an altitude of about 400m above sea level. Why I chose there, that's because, there I usually spend my free time with my friends. There are a lot of his ware like KORA KORA NAGA, ONTAG ANTING, BIANGLALA, KOMEDI ROTATE, BOM BOM CAR, SNIPER DOLL, TSUNAMI, GIANT SWING, OMBANG AMBING, ARRANGE ARROW, WATER BASOKA, BASKET DOLL, BANANA BOAT, BIKE WATER, RAIL, JET SKI, SAND ISLAND ISLAND, and others. At the time of the holidays there with friends very happy can play together, laughing, joking. It was a fun moment for me, while gathering with the closest friends made this world as ours alone. And there are my favorite rides are SNIPER DOLL and KORA KORA NAGA.

Why do I like the ride?

Because when I play my SNIPER DOLL as if testing my kelihayan when shooting a targeted object, and when I play KORA KORA NAGA rides with friends it is very exciting to see my friends screamed fear haaaaaaahaaaaa. Really it was an unforgettable moment for me.

My advice when you go to Tanjung Bajau, you have to bring more money.

Why is that?

Because, the first price wahananya quite expensive, and once play must be addicted.

At the first entry in Tanjug Bajau we have been in suguki sea area and a very beautiful rocky beach. Waves on the beach is very friendly so safe for children to play and swim there

And maybe that can tell my holiday with my garden friends in Tanjung Bajau.

Rabu, 08 November 2017

Best friend, or close friend.


Asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakattu,
this time I want to brighten the story of my good friend. I have experienced various friends since I was in elementary school until I have college, from a good friend because there is a desire, and there are friends who pretend to know, there is also a pehatian, and there are also friends who always there when we are hard and happy . And these are my best friends who are always there and always compact. I know humans were created perfect by ALLH SWT, man's reality fact there is still a lack of makadari that I am friends to each other kekurangn respectively. And this is my best friend.

How do I know them?
We met in high school, and it was a wonderful time that will not be forgotten.

How can we be good friends?
We became good friends because we attended the same school and in the same class from first grade until we graduated, we had a lot of time from both seang and hard.

What things do I like them?
Many things I like from them, from chat, joking, hanging out together. I have considered them like my family to be in a very beautiful period but now we rarely see each other, because of their busy life. Sometimes we get together to let go of longing.

And what I do not like about them?
What I do not like is that when they want to get together they are often not on time (too late) maybe that's what they often do.

Maybe this is all I can tell you, What about you? how many best friends do you have.